كيفية تحضير الغراء لورق الحائط باستخدام ورق الحائط

If you are thinking of decorating your entire house or any room with wallpaper, you should know that this is one of the most interesting trends. Not only because of the possibilities it offers, but also because the latest materials used are of excellent quality.

But there is one thing you should bear in mind when installing wallpaper: wallpaper paste. And it is one of the key elements to ensure the durability of your decoration, in addition to the material of the paper, the conditions of the room or wall where you want to place it.

Therefore, today we want to give you some ideas that will help you in this decisive step. Let's start by getting to know the types of wallpaper glue that exist for wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper glue

When it comes to wallpaper decorating, we have to choose between different types of glue. There are some differences between them, which will differ according to the wall or paper to be used.

Powder glue

There are two types of wallpaper glue powder. The one we know as methyl cellulose glue powder is the best option for TNT backing. Cellulose glue, on the other hand, is best for wallpaper with paper backing.

White or carpenter's glue

This glue is not at all common when installing wallpaper in a house and, in fact, we only recommend it if it is a small portion of a surface with low adhesion. This could be a step or a piece of furniture that you want to modernise, but not much more. This is because white glue dries very quickly, so you won't be able to work with large areas. Once you have decided which one to use according to your needs, you have the option of buying it ready-made or making it yourself. Do you want to know how?


How to prepare wallpaper glue?

If you plan to prepare the wallpaper glue yourself, you must be clear about the steps to follow and do it the right way. A bad preparation of the glue can lead to many problems with the wallpaper, either because the wrong amount of water has been used or because it has not rested long enough.

Let's take a look at the steps to follow for the main wallpaper glues, always following the manufacturer's instructions and labelling to set the correct proportions.

Preparing the glue powder

As we have seen before, this glue is for both TNT backed papers (methyl cellulose) and paper backed wallpaper (cellulose). Each of them will have a different method of preparation, but in general it is very simple.

Simply mix the preparation you have purchased with the correct amount of water, making sure that they are homogeneously integrated. Afterwards, you just have to wait (up to several hours) for the glue to set before you can use it.

Prepare reinforced glue

In this case, it is the powdered glue that we have prepared previously, but with an addition of vinyl glue to improve its consistency. This will allow us to support heavier and denser wallpaper, which can be ideal for some areas of the house.

What you should do is prepare the powdered glue as we have shown above, and then establish a 1:4 ratio of vinyl glue (approximately 20%, one part of vinyl glue for every four parts of powdered glue).

When it's ready, just apply it directly to the wall, always about the size of an iron, as it may dry out if you try to apply more. Then spray a little water on the paper backing to moisten it, so that you can work better and fix it optimally to the wall.

Prepare white glue or carpenter's glue

Although we have said that it is only recommended for small spaces, we are going to tell you how to make it, as it is nothing more than a craft for children (which you can prepare with products from home). 

You will need to mix 350 g of flour with 700 ml of water, beating with a whisk so as not to form lumps. Once this is ready, add 120 ml of vinegar and heat it all in a bain-marie, always stirring so that it doesn't stick.

When it starts to boil, leave it for a couple of minutes and remove from the heat, so that it rests and loses its heat. Then transfer it all to an airtight container and it will be ready. 

Fill your home with magic with our wallpapers, framed art prints and wall murals.

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