هل يمكنني استخدام الغراء العادي لتطبيق ورق الحائط؟
The adhesion of the wallpaper to the substrate depends on the material used and also on the substrate preparation. For this reason, it is generally not advisable to use normal glue, but always use a glue that is specific to the type of paper and the surface.
Why not to use normal glue?
There are several disadvantages to using normal wallpaper glue. The first is that it is essential that the drying time of the adhesive is long. This allows the strips to be laid calmly, ensuring that they fit perfectly. With conventional adhesives, this drying time is very short.
When the drying time is fast, a small mistake can be a big problem. The paper will stick to the substrate almost immediately and when you lift it up to rectify it, it could tear. This would mean that a new strip would have to be prepared, with the consequent extra cost of material.
Another disadvantage of using normal glue is that it may not provide adequate adhesion on all surfaces. It should not be forgotten that wallpaper is not only applied on plastered surfaces, but also on other types of substrates, such as tiles or wood. Each of them requires a different type of glue to ensure that the wallpaper adheres perfectly.
And not only the wall, but also the wallpaper can be made of different materials. This means that a specific type of glue must be used for each of them, so as not to alter or damage the wallpaper and to ensure that it adheres perfectly to the surface.
In addition, wallpaper glues are easy to spread with a glue brush. This makes it easier to avoid lumps. In any case, if any lumps remain, the longer drying time than normal glue allows them to be removed while the wallpaper is being laid or lifted to dissolve them.
For these reasons, it is advisable to avoid normal glue as far as possible and always use the glue recommended by the wallpaper manufacturer. This is the best way to achieve a perfect finish without mishaps or waste of material.
When can normal glue be used with wallpaper?
Although not recommended, there may be some exceptions. Normal glue, such as carpenter's glue, can be used on small surfaces or difficult edges. This would be the case for the edge of a switch rosette, a door or window frame or even particularly difficult joint areas.
It is true that universal adhesives or normal glue could be used on larger surfaces. However, in many cases it would be necessary to apply a primer coat to the surface beforehand to ensure adhesion, which means more material costs and more work time. All this, without forgetting the disadvantage of the aforementioned quick drying time.
The tip: always use specific glues
There are different types of glue manufactured exclusively for wallpaper. Ideally, always use the most suitable one for each type of paper according to its characteristics, i.e. whether it is paper-based, heavy or textured, textile or non-woven, etc.
For the edges, instead of normal glue, ready-made dispersion adhesives can be used in containers of different sizes and tubes to facilitate their application. They can be used for edges as well as for those more complicated areas or even for small wallpaper repairs.
At Alf&Mabi you can find the perfect wallpaper you are looking for. You can buy it directly on our website, so that transforming your home is an easy and comfortable task.