When installing wallpaper, properly applying adhesive is essential for achieving a good finish. It's not just about the wallpaper sticking perfectly to the walls, but also about avoiding bubbles or wrinkles. Therefore, it is crucial to keep in mind some basic tips before applying glue to the wall.

Installing the wallpaper: previous steps

Previously before applying glue to the wall, it is important to be very careful about several aspects. The first of these is choosing the right adhesive. In some cases, to install the wallpaper you will need glue, in others it will be glue. It will depend on the type of paper.

The second basic aspect is not to forget that, also depending on the type of paper, the installation process may be different. Sometimes it is enough to apply glue on the wall and sometimes it also needs to be done on the back side of the wallpaper. In any of these situations, respecting the resting times before placing the strips is essential.

And finally, it is necessary to scrupulously follow what the manufacturer indicates when preparing the adhesive. If it becomes too thick, applying the glue to the wall will be more difficult, and it is also more likely to leave lumps. However, if it is too liquid, the surface will absorb it excessively and it will lose its adhesive capacity.

The best technique to apply glue on the wall

Before starting to apply glue on the wall, it is important to have everything perfectly prepared: adhesive ready, a suitable brush, water on hand, and the wallpaper already cut into strips ready for placement. The wall, of course, must be in perfect condition, smooth, without imperfections, and clean of any traces of dust or dirt.

When everything is ready, you can start spreading the glue on the wall. To do this, you should  always use a specific wide brush for this job. The brushes for applying adhesives are wider than those used for painting, which makes the work easier and ensures that the glue is perfectly spread.

To apply the glue the brush should be well moistened, but without covering the entire length of the bristles. Then it should be spread evenly in the area where the strip will be placed. It is important to perfectly cover the entire surface and ensure that there are no lumps on the wall before installing the wallpaper, as they may be noticeable once it is placed.

Keep in mind, on the other hand, that the adhesive does not dry immediately, so you can always spread glue on the wall over a sufficient area to place two or even three strips, depending on the difficulty of installing the wallpaper in a specific area. There will also be time to correct it if the paper has not been properly placed.

If it is necessary to also apply glue on the paper, it should be noted that the glue is applied from the center to the edges, affecting them. Then it is folded from the edge towards the center until the adhesive has penetrated the surface and the wallpaper can be started to be installed.

A final step for a perfect gluing is done once the strip of paper has been placed. If the glue overflows at the edge, the advice is to remove the excess with a damp sponge before proceeding with the next strips. At the junction between the strips, there should always be enough glue, but never too much. 

The application of the glue on the wall is essential so that when installing the wallpaper, it remains perfect: well adhered to the surface throughout and with a perfectly smooth surface, without bubbles, wrinkles, or deformities.

At Alf&Mabi you will find the best wallpapers, with exclusive designs for every room in the home and always of the highest quality. Visit our website now and choose yours.