After placing the wallpaper in your room, you can now enjoy the spectacular effect it has on the room. It is possible that after the glue dries, the paper loses some of its elasticity and the joints begin to open and lift. This is quite normal and there is no need to be alarmed.

When open joints appear after wallpapering a wall, it is best to act as soon as possible since these are areas where breaks are possible. It is also a point where dust and dirt accumulate. If you let time pass, the wallpaper may warp and the joint may be more difficult to repair.

It is very useful to always have the tools to repair open joints on hand. There is a special glue for these cases that you can purchase at specialized stores at very affordable prices. Having a small roller for joints is also ideal, although a fiber cloth can also be useful.

As soon as you detect any raised joints, it is time to act. It will only take a few minutes and you will prevent further damage from occurring.

This is how open joints are fixed after wallpapering

The procedure to repair open joints after wallpapering a wall is quite simple. The first thing to do is take a look to check the situation. You have to look if it has only been lifted or if it has also broken. It is interesting that you observe if there has been any accumulation of dust to remove it and not get it trapped. You can use a small brush or a brush.

Now that everything is ready, it's time to act. Glue for open joints usually comes with a brush to facilitate its application. If this is not the case, use one you have at home to apply the adhesive. Avoid adding too much so that the excess does not stain the nearby wallpaper later.

Now use the mini roller to join the paper to the wall. This step is the really critical one and you must do it very carefully. You must do it first from top to bottom and then outwards. In this way the adhesive is distributed and then the excess is removed. If something comes out you should remove it quickly with a damp cloth. 

How to stop the most rebellious joints from rising

On many occasions you will see that the open joints rise again due to the tension of the fiber of the paper itself. In that case you will have to use the roller for longer until the fiber regains its elasticity and regains its position. The joint glue takes about 5 minutes to act. During that time you should be applying pressure to prevent it from rising again.

Afterwards, you will have to wait up to 24 hours for the glue to harden completely. During this time make sure that no one touches the area and that there are no drafts. It is necessary that the wallpaper remains stationary so that the joints become invisible.

Other alternatives to glue are adhesive tapes and putties that also achieve good results, but there is the possibility of a small irregularity remaining. This option is perfect for the less skilled, although the finish is less professional. 

To prevent open joints from lifting, it is very important that during installation you distribute the glue well on the edges of the strip. It is important that the paper is not too tight because when the glue dries, the fiber tends to shrink and the joints may wrinkle and lift. 

Always take your time to pass the small roller over the joints to distribute the glue well throughout the joints. All the effort you dedicate when installing the wallpaper will be saved after wallpaper. Joints are one of the most critical areas that you should always treat with care.

At Al&Mabi we want to help you make wallpaper installation very easy. That is why our models with a textile base (TNT) are very easy to install. You will achieve excellent results that will make our spectacular designs shine even more. Go to our website now and check all the possibilities. Our professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have!