You can find wallpaper with designs of all kinds. That is why they are so appreciated in interior design since they have a wide variety of aesthetic options. The drawing presented by the wallpaper can be repeated creating a pattern that achieves a great visual effect.

The pattern of the wallpaper can be geometric, with plant shapes, with children's drawings or with any other motif. The idea is that the design repeats without being able to appreciate either the beginning or the end when the paper is placed on the wall. This achieves a very special effect for the room. 

In any case, the pattern of the wallpaper must be taken into account when placing it on the wall or any other surface. The The idea is that the drawing fits perfectly and that is why special care is required so that no jumps or cuts are seen. It is necessary to locate where the sequence is repeated so that these problems do not occur.


On many occasions you can find a pattern that is not continuous. The figures are repeated, but they have no connection with each other. There is a space between them that has a solid color. In this case, the installation of the wallpaper is easier since the errors will be less noticeable. Even so, it is necessary to fit certain drawings that remain on the edge of the paper strip. strong>


The really difficult thing is wallpaper that has a continuous pattern across the entire surface of the paper. Especially when they are complicated figures that have to fit in each strip along the entire edge of the paper. When it comes to simple motifs such as horizontal or vertical lines it can be somewhat easier. The real difficulty is found when it comes to intricate designs that are difficult to fit.

If you decide on wallpaper with a pattern, the first thing you should know is how to locate it. The idea is to find the distance at which the designs are repeated in order to fit them together.  That will be the key for the installation to be perfect and continuous. The visual effect achieved creates a very positive aesthetic impact in the room.


Locating the wallpaper pattern is not difficult, but requires precision

In reality, you don't have to do any research to find the pattern of a wallpaper. You can use a measurement that should be taken into account when cutting the strips. It's that simple. This measurement is what is called match or rapport. 

This distance is what you have to add to the measurement of the strip of wallpaper that you cut in order to match the lace of the pattern. This is always done starting from the second strip since the first will serve as a reference for the beginning of the sequence. This way you can more easily locate where the pattern is to maintain it. 

It is a very convenient practice to carefully observe the design of the wallpaper pattern you have purchased. The designs of one edge must match those of the other edge. That is where the key to locating the pattern lies. The match will allow you to make the necessary adjustments for the motifs to fit.

"It is a big mistake to locate the pattern 'by eye' since not only will the installation be much more difficult, but the results will not be the best. With the help of the match and with good planning in the wallpaper installation, there should be no problem."

Therefore, it is important that you carefully read the labeling of the wallpaper roll you have purchased. It is also advisable that you ask your questions to the supplier or manufacturer about placement. Locating the pattern is not the really difficult part. The real issue is to have it under control during the placement of the paper. And for that you need to be very precise with the measurements.

At ALF&Mabi you will find wallpapers with the most interesting patterns on the market. In our catalog we have options for all the rooms in your home. Enter our website now and discover all the decorative possibilities we offer you!

Fill your home with magic with our wallpapers, framed art prints and wall murals.
