Using wallpaper is one of the most widely used interior design resources. Despite being designed to last for a long time, it is true that on certain occasions it is necessary to remove it. It may be because of a change of decoration to adapt it to current trends or due to other circumstances such as the transformation of a children's room into a youth room.
When removing wallpaper, it is normal to want to restore the wall to its original condition. The surface must be perfectly smooth to provide a flawless image. This will be necessary whether you choose to paint the room or to put up new wallpaper.
In either case, the wall needs to be smoothed so that it is even and has a quality finish. The idea is to achieve a true surface reset so that no signs are noticeable and it looks brand new. We are going to give you all the keys to achieve this.
It is important to check the state of the wall after removing the wallpaper
Right after removing the wallpaper, you may find yourself faced with several scenarios. The first is that the wallpaper you had installed was designed to be easily peeled off, so much of the work will already be done. Another possibility is that there may be traces of both the wallpaper and the glue you used to stick it down.
In these cases, the first thing to do is to remove everything to clear the wall of all materials. The most homemade option is to use a sponge with warm water and soap. Rub gently to avoid damaging the wall. This will soften the glue and paper, which will be easier to remove.
You can also use other materials such as white vinegar, which can be very useful in these cases. In the market you can find specific products for this task. With the help of a spatula and being very careful, you will be able to remove all those remains without any problems. This is the first step in smoothing the surface after removing the wallpaper.
It is likely that a lot of dust has been generated during the removal, so it is advisable to clean the wall thoroughly. A damp cloth will be enough to trap the particles and prevent them from spreading all over the room. It is very important to make sure that it dries well afterwards to prevent moisture from settling in.
A good sanding is key to smoothing out a wall
Now that you have your wall ready after removing the wallpaper, you can begin to smooth it. The first thing to do is to check for cracks and small crevices. This is the time to use putty designed for this purpose. It dries quickly and is usually very easy to apply.
The next step to smooth your wall after removing the wallpaper is sanding. This way you will achieve the visual uniformity you are looking for. This is the most important moment and you should pay special attention to it. You can find sanding machines on the market to help you with this task, but in this article we are going to show you how to do it yourself.
The first and most important thing to do to smooth your wall is to get the right grit sandpaper. You should know that the lower the number, the larger the size and therefore the less polished the finish.
With this in mind, you should have different types of sandpaper to hand. The first job should be done with the coarsest grit to get rid of larger imperfections. You can start with a 100 grit for this type of work. Then you can move on to a mid-range sandpaper such as 180 to finish with a finer 220.
In other words, you should go from less to more in order to achieve a professional finish. Smoothing a wall after removing wallpaper is quite a painstaking and time-consuming job. You should bear in mind that you should sand in circles so that the marks are not too noticeable. The work is easier if you use sponge sandpaper.
They also generate a lot of dust, so it is advisable to protect yourself with a mask and cover the surrounding furniture. Once you have reached the result you wanted, it's time for the last step.
At the end you have to apply a coat of primer to get your wall completely ready. As always, remember that it is always necessary to leave the surface clean and dry. So again, apply soap and water to remove all traces of dust and dirt. After the application of this product, your wall will be ready to be painted or put up new wallpaper.
This is all you have to do to smooth your wall after removing a wallpaper. Of course, it's a job for the handyman in the house - you'll be amazed at the results!